what does a barometer measure weegy. Question. what does a barometer measure weegy

 Questionwhat does a barometer measure weegy What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure Barometer measure atmospheric pressure

has a lower internal pressure. hydrometer D. Score 1. Comments. wind vane. |Score . under water. Ask a question. Weegy: Pressure decreases from the outer isobars toward the center in Cyclones. New answers. Jozeal. mercury barometer C. dew point. :56 AM. Question. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Expert answered|zcapzbaby|Points 110|. mercury barometer C. questions answered. User: When a hurricane reaches land, its intensity decreases as the result of A. air pressure b. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure. Weegy: Watt is the basic unit of the measurement of [ power ] Question. in hydraulic systems. Question. A. New answers. anemometer C. Modern barometers are. Asked 2/18/2015 10:50:34 AM. 6 F. A barometer is a device that measures atmospheric pressure. aneroid barometer B. Rhed°88. Learn how high pressure means. 36,970,728. has no moon. Weegy: Warning triangles, flares, a vehicle's hazard lights, or emergency vehicles ahead, are all clues that you might. Asked 2/9/2016 7:58:49 PM. Weegy: A barometer is used to measure air pressure. Weegy: Barometer is used to measure air pressure. User: Lines on a weather map that connect areas of equal air pressure are a. TRUE. wind vane D. The liquid has completely filled up its container, and no more can liquid can fit in. Weegy: Watt is the basic unit of the. a barometer B. Asked 2/18/2015 10:50:34 AM. 2 ×. 2646 N is the force of the moon's gravity on. wind speed c. Log in for more information. inelastic Weegy: When gas molecules collide, the collision is considered Elastic. thermometer B. User: What does it mean if the relative humidity of air is 25 percent?A. User: Chris Paul had a. 9728|dkecter|Points 120| User: What potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure Barometer measure atmospheric pressure. air pressure b. |Score 1|giannajun|Points 674| User: The Köppen system is used as a classification system for A. Log in for more information. True. relative humidity. User: What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Score 1 User: What potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement for fossil fuels? User: what does a barometer measure? Conductivity Water pressure Atmospheric pressure Liquid viscosity Weegy: Barometer measure atmospheric pressure. D. in the atmosphere. monochrome mirror image 5. 0 Answers/Comments. The density of an object C. Updated 2/22/2017 10:01:59 AM. 6 F. Expert Answered. Question. If the water vapor content of the air increases 25 percent, it will be at the dew. Atmospheric pressure is an indicator of weather. Weegy: If a substance forms crystals when it. b. Popular Conversations. Anemometer is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed. B. User: What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Popular Conversations. We use barometers mostly to measure atmospheric pressure. anemometer b. air pressure b. C. debnjerry|Points 63738| User: Fog is a cloud that has A. Two turns are required to move the spindle through 1 mm. under a snowshoe. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. weegy* * Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. what's true about the density of the liquids. what does volume measure. weegy; Answer; Search; More; Help; Account; Feed; Signup; Log In; Question and answer. Log in for more information. The pressure at 35,000 ft above sea level is the same as the pressure at 35,000 below sea level. What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure. What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. 00 through 1. The instrument commonly used to measure wind speed is an ANEMOMETER. Question. Barometers provide. . mercury barometer C. air pressure. User: Atmospheric air pressure is measured with a _____. anemometer Anemometer is commonly used to measure wind speed. c. Score . Score 1 User: The amount of pressure exerted by a solid is based on What does a barometer measure? A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. hydrogen b. 1 Answer/Comment. aneroid barometer Weegy: Anemometer is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed. What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. wind sock d. Asked 1/23/2013 3:18:37 AM. What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. The lawn is a rectangle, 15 feet long and 8 feet wide. User: What does a barometer measure Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. In the following sentence, which word is an adverb used to modify a verb? The young girl sadly spoke of her grandfather. User: liquids are pure into a container and separate. 9113 User: what potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement for fossil fuels?Corn and soy-based biofuels. Score 1 User: What potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement for fossil fuels?Question 16 options: Biofuels. mercury barometer C. Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. A barometer is used to measure air pressure. Weegy: A maritime polar air mass is a cold air. A barometer is used to measure a. Log in for more information. User: What does a barometer measure Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Rating. Weegy: A blue "H" on a weather map means a center of high pressure (usually signifying calm,. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Asked 2/9/2016 7:58:49 PM. Question. Weegy: Kepler discovered that the planets orbit the sun in oval-shaped paths called ellipses. User: What does a barometer measure? Question 19 options: Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure Liquid viscosity Weegy: A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. If 3 times a number minus 2 equals 13, what is the number? A. wind vane D. aneroid barometer B. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Updated 6/17/2020 4:38:50 PM. W I N D O W P A N E. TRUE. weegy* * Get. 5 × 102 kg/m 3 is used in place of mercury in a barometer. B. Log in for more information. D. What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. 168. Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Question. Weegy: A device used to measure the pressure of an enclosed gas is a manometer. What does Newton's third law of motion tell us about this? Question 5 options: The equipment will continue moving in the same direction indefinitely unless another force is applied to stop it. under water. Updated 10/31/2014 5:57:34 AM. f. Weegy: A material that can easily flow is called a FLUID. 0 Answers/Comments. barometer B. 8. There are no new answers. Cold air is denser than warm air. relative humidity. Score 1 User: The amount of pressure exerted by a. wind direction d. Weegy. Weegy: Watt is the basic unit of the measurement of [ power ] Question. D. d. insolation. Barometers measure this pressure. Get an answer. 2) The cuff is inflated to a pressure large enough to compress the artery until it is. nitrogen d. Changes in air pressure help meteorologists predict changes in the weather. What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Rating. Question. what does volume measure. Weegy: A barometer is used to measure air pressure. Weegy: A person who uses. Expert Answered. Rating. mercury barometer C. c. anemometer Anemometer is commonly used to measure wind speed. in hydraulic systems. precipitation location A barometer is used to measure air pressure. Weegy: Volume is measure of the 3-dimensional space occupied by matter, or enclosed by a surface, measured in cubic units. Score 1 User: What potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement for fossil fuels?User: What does a barometer measure Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Score . mercury barometer B. air temperature. spits. Question. B. Asked 9/1/2012 11:22:30 AM. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Barometer measure atmospheric pressure. A barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure, also called barometric pressure. under water. b. M. Score 1. 11/15/2023 3:01:28 AM| 3 Answers. User: What does it mean if the relative humidity of air is 25 percent?A. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Solution: Joel is laying pipe for a sprinkler system before he plants his lawn. C. C. There are no new answers. A. Because atmospheric pressure changes with distance above or below sea level, a barometer can also be used to measure altitude. Answers. A barometer is used to measure a. Updated 5/13/2014 2:18:08 PM. dkecter|Points 120| User: hygrometer. Question. barometric lines b. What is a digital text? Weegy: 2+2 = 4 User: whats a digital text Weegy: 2+2=4 User:. The chemical bonds between particles B. Weegy: The largest layer of Earth is the mantle. FALSE. Updated 8/18/2016 11:11:16 AM. A. A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A barometer is. establishing policy and ensuring the family advocacy program meets command, sailor, and family member needs is the responsibility of what entity. Updated 6/17/2020 4:38:50 PM. User: What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. Weegy: Wind speed is measured with a weather vane. Updated. all of the above are in the atmosphere. front. Asked 5/13/2014 1:38:30 PM. wind speed c. Expert answered|andrewpallarca|Points 21871| Log in for more information. User: What does a barometer measure Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. air temperaturewhat does temperature measure? Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of any of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius. Question. precipitation location A barometer is used to measure air pressure. mercury barometer C. Asked 12/8/2015 8:53:35 PM. Score 1. Score 1 User: The amount of pressure exerted by a solid is based on What does a barometer measure?. - is how a. spectrometer Weegy: Barometer is normally used to measure atmospheric pressure. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: NEWTON discovered that sunlight is made of all the colors of the rainbow. elastic B. precipitation location. aneroid barometer B. Which device is used to measure air pressure?Select one of the options below as your answer: A. User: what does a barometer measure? Conductivity Water pressure Atmospheric pressure Liquid viscosity Weegy: Barometer measure atmospheric pressure. whats one negative effect of economic globalization. d. rotates more quickly. Weegy: Orographic lifting produces rising air when mountains push the air upward. |Score . 1 Answer/Comment. User: Kendrick is planning to buy a house. Weegy: Temperature is the measure of hotness or coldness Score 1 User: What does volume measure? Weegy: Volume is measure of the 3-dimensional space occupied by matter, or enclosed by a surface, measured in cubic units. A barometer is used to measure air pressure. association with anticyclones. air temperature. Question. Many. Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. [ It will divide the area of the lawn into two right triangles. Not Answered. Which weather instrument should the meteorologist use? A. air temperature. Updated 6/25/2015 5:24:40 AM. GET THE APP. 0 Answers/Comments. wind speed c. D. A device used to measure the atmospheric pressure is the barometer. TRUE. Barometer is used to measure air pressure. oxygen c. 8. What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure. radiation. 9113 User: what potentially negative consequences might some biofuels have that prevent them from being a total replacement for fossil fuels? Corn and soy-based biofuels use up crops that. evaporation. Updated 3/10/2014 11:55:59 AM. in the atmosphere. It gets longer. under a snowshoe. in hydraulic systems. New answers. a warm air mass meets another air mass. C. air pressure. TRUE. C. When the bus moves forward and. mercury barometer C. Vanes User: What measures wind speed Weegy: Wind speed is measured with an anemometer. river is NOT found on the ocean floor. 6-99. User: An instrument used to measure wind speed is a(n) a. Updated 5/13/2014 2:18:08 PM. What does a barometer measure? Question 15 options: Liquid viscosity Atmospheric pressure Conductivity Water pressure. Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. Get an answer. a weather vaneThe barometer is the reference weather measuring instrument for forecasting the weather in the coming hours. Question. You’ll usually hear forecasters give measurements in either inches of mercury or in millibars (mb). Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Weegy: Sperm are reproductive gametes powered by many ATP and flagella. What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. D. Decomposition. User: what does a barometer measure?Conductivity Water pressure Atmospheric pressure Liquid viscosity Weegy: Barometer measure atmospheric pressure. An anemometer is used to measure A. Updated 2/10/2016 12:35:15 AM. C. absorption and radiation of energy in the hydrosphere. Weegy: In organic chemistry, a hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon, and thus are group 14 hydrides. Weegy: A barometer measures atmospheric pressure. Log in for more information. ) Bernoulli principle C. wind vane D. That air has a weight and presses against everything it touches as gravity pulls it to Earth. Weegy: Wind speed is measured with a weather vane. air pressure b. Weegy: A prefix is added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning. A. A meteorologist wants to measure the temperature. Question|Asked by AceSpades. Rating. Let's take a closer look at how they work! Photo: This traditional aneroid barometer dates from the mid-20th century and is calibrated (marked) as a crude weather-forecasting device. |Score . A barometer is used to measure air pressure. This is False. Updated 2/18/2015 11:07:29 AM. User: What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. |Score . Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. User: The world's major nonrenewable source of energy comes from A. Log in for more information. Updated 1/13/2019 7:52:16 PM. weather vane c. 0 Answers/Comments. Updated 160 days ago|3/30/2023 10:33:57 AM. 8. A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure. A barometer is. Log in for more information. Updated 12/2/2016 9:59:46 AM. friction and the law of. What does Newton's third law of motion tell us about this? Question 5 options: The equipment will continue moving in the same direction indefinitely unless another force is applied to stop it. wind speed. What is an instrument commonly used to measure wind speed? A. precipitation location A barometer is used to measure air pressure. Condensation. Log in for more information. User: What does a barometer measure? Weegy: A barometer is a scientific instrument used in meteorology to measure atmospheric pressure.